''I just like understanding where the defect is and fixing it...'' 

Get to know...

Sjoerd van de Weerd is 28 years old and lives in Rijssen. At Reginox, he works as a design engineer in the company's tool-making shop, where he is also involved in research & development. This variation in his work keeps him sharp. Outside of work, Sjoerd is an avid art and music lover. He likes to play sports, go in search of old LPs and spend time volunteering at the Parkgebouw theatre building in his free time.


Sjoerd first became acquainted with Reginox four years ago. 'I only really knew the company by name. I had never known that their complete range of sinks is produced in-house. I was amazed. Through secondment I was placed in the tool-making shop, where I also got the opportunity to carry out R&D tasks. And that turned out to be a perfect combination for me.'

Let's get technical

Working in the tool-making shop is primarily about the technical side of things. At Reginox, all the necessary tools are fabricated by the company independently, as the entire production line is also developed in-house. And that requires the expertise that Sjoerd gained during his training as an industrial product designer at the HAN University of Applied Sciences. He would find it somewhat unfulfilling, though, if he could only work on the technical aspects of engineering, as he is also very much someone who likes to think outside-the-box.

In development

Research & Development is a much broader discipline and appeals more to his creativity. There he works on finding solutions to problems and proposing new ideas for the production line(s). 'Among other things, I make dimensional drawings for new designs for sinks and accessories and check whether products meet requirements and tolerances, which all of course is done prior to the production process.' 

Trial and Error

Using test setups is an important part of Sjoerd's work. 'An example? Well, for instance, if I need to investigate whether a material is resistant to scratches or chemicals, I recreate such a situation and try out different things. This gives me insight into what's going on.' Tests are also often useful for investigating complaints. In this analytical role, Sjoerd is truly in his element. 'You see, I'd rather take apart a broken record player myself than take it away for repair. I just like understanding where the defect is and fixing it myself.' 


Sjoerd is very happy that Reginox offers him the opportunity of being able to apply himself both technically and creatively. ‘It suits me very well. As a matter of fact, I feel that I need it. I can't be put into one pigeonhole, you know? I also really enjoy the fact that I can arrange my workday myself. I have quite a bit of freedom to make my own decisions, as long as the job is finished at the end of the day. I find this kind of more casual work environment comforting. In fact, I really enjoy it.’

Added perks

Sjoerd says he really likes his coworkers at Reginox and the pleasant working atmosphere. 'You really work together and can talk to anyone. All kinds of things are organised by the staff association and we also have Ter Steege in Motion, which is a company workout programme. I myself have a boot camp twice a week. It's fun because you get to talk to different coworkers from other departments. In that sense Reginox is a proactive company, and they really invest in the health, well-being and mutual connections of the employees. And that is a big perk.

The Future

As for his future at Reginox: Sjoerd says he never looks that far ahead. 'In my personal life, I don't like to plan too much and prefer to react to what is happening at that moment. For now, I feel very much at home in my work environment. But, who knows, it may just be that I have other interests in 5 years, so I'll see where it takes me.'